2009年1月9日,欧洲专利局(EPO)发布公告称,由于在欧洲专利信息和专利文献服务中心(Patent Register Service,简称PRS)法律状态数据库中存在众多错误的美国专利转让数据,而由于无法手工将错误的记录与正确的记录区分开来以便纠正错误记录,大约会有640万的记录会在下周从系统中删除。
另外,现有的代码US AS01 到US AS99将会永久地删除,并用单一代码US AS替换。
US Assignments data to be replaced
Newsflash 03/2009
This is to inform you that due to some corrupt US Assignments records, this data is scheduled to be removed from the PRS legal status database (espacenet/OPS) in week 4/2009.
The erroneous data cannot be corrected manually mainly due to the fact that it would be practically impossible to separate each and every faulty record from the correct entries.
Over 6.4 million records will be deleted. These records will be sent to you in a separate CD Rom in week 04/2009.
We will begin with the reload of the US Assignments data in week 6/2009.
Please ensure that you have deleted all the records that are sent to you before you begin with the uploading of the new US Assignments records in week 06/2009
The uploading of the new records could take several months.
Please note that the current codes US AS01 until US AS99 will cease to exist and will be replaced with a single code US AS.
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