专利律师(patent attorney)是指具有特定资格的律师,上述资格赋予专利律师代理客户获得专利及参与涉及专利法及实务中的所有事务和程序,比如提出异议等。“专利律师”这一名词在不同的国家具有不同的用法,因而可能或可能不像普通法律从业者一样需要同样的法律资格。
在某种场合下同样存在“专利代理人”或“patent lawyer”的称呼。某些情况下该些称呼可以通用。另外一些情况下,后者只用在本人具有律师资格的情况。
A patent attorney is an attorney who has the specialized qualifications necessary for representing clients in obtaining patents and acting in all matters and procedures relating to patent law and practice, such as filing an opposition. The term is used differently in different countries, and thus may or may not require the same legal qualifications as a general legal practitioner.
The titles patent agent and patent lawyer are also used in some jurisdictions. In some jurisdictions the terms are interchangeable, in others the latter is generally used only if the person qualified as a lawyer.
@2011-2019 智慧火是 杭州金珂知识产权咨询有限公司 的注册商标,智慧火专利代理服务由 杭州君度专利代理事务所 承办。 浙ICP备12043267号-1 All rights reserved.